Ha Ho Gayi Galti Mujhse Album has 1 song sung by Shivay Vyas, Sahid Alfaaz. Ha Ho Gayi Galti Mujhse is a Hindi album released on. Ha ho gayi galti mujhse song download mp3 pagalworld.name Zindagi mein Itni bhi galtiyan na karo ki, Pencil se pehle Rubber ghis jaye or Rubber ko itna bhi na ghiso ki, Zindgi ka page hi fat jaye Insaan zindagi mein galtiyaan karke utna dukhi nahi hota, Jitna un galtiyon ke baare mein soch kar hota hai Dimag pe Zor dal ke ginte ho galtiyan meriKabhi Dil pe hath Rakh ke pucho kasoor kiska tha.
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