P nk discography rapidshare

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CD copies of All I Know So Far: SetList come bundled with the zine set, which can be preordered from P!nk’s website. P!nk will also be releasing an All I Know So Far Limited Edition Zine Set, featuring 80 pages of photographs from the tour shot by Andrew Macpherson. In addition to “All I Know So Far” and the live recordings from the Beautiful Trauma World Tour, All I Know So Far: SetList will also include P!nk’s acceptance speech for the MTV Video Vanguard Award, as well as “Cover Me in Sunshine,” her duet with her daughter Willow that she released in February.Īll I Know So Far: SetList will be accompanied by P!NK: All I Know So Far, a documentary film directed by Michael Gracey ( The Greatest Showman) that follows P!nk on the Beautiful Trauma World Tour, premiering May 21st on Amazon Prime Video. The Greg Kurstin-produced song was co-written by Pink and the award-winning songwriting team Benj Pasek and Justin Paul.

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Pink has unveiled the track listing for All I Know So Far: SetList, a live album recorded during the singer’s Beautiful Trauma World Tour in 2019.Īhead of the album release on May 21st, P!nk will release its title track, the new studio single “All I Know So Far,” on May 7th. Trouble (2003) As far as albums go, Pnk’s Try This has the sore distinction of having the fewest Hot 100 hits (two, both of which failed to crack top 40).