And while it can leave the whole household in tears, it’s normal and temporary. This is called the witching hour and generally falls anywhere between 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM. It’s not uncommon for newborn babies to have a long period where they are awake and fussy (by which I mean they are all but inconsolable but WILL NOT SLEEP). Newborn babies generally have a very late bedtime frustratingly staying awake far past the time where you are actually enjoying their company. Lots of parents seem to be wondering, “What is a normal bedtime?” Newborn Bedtime And figuring out when bedtime should be and what it should look like isn’t always easy.
Bedtime that is too late, unpredictable, or inconsistent can set you up for a long slog of a night.
Bedtime is also really important to your baby or kid. Now bedtime is a glorious nirvana that you fantasize about throughout the day.
Before you had kids going to bed was a forgettable event.